I used to be a wordpress fan. I had a lot of plugins to do a lot of things (that I thought I needed). However Static Web Sites (SWA) has made me a convert. Its simple, I can write from my fav IDE or for that matter any device and version control my posts and website configuration. I think the freedom it gives in not being dependent on 3rd party plugins - is a game changer for me personally. There are a few flavours to choose from, however today I am with Hugo. I wanted to share my experience for the past month a bit that I have spent getting it to work on Azure.
I have split this into two posts / parts.
Part 1 - Building your Hugo Website Locally
Part 2 - Publishing to Github and Azure SWA
Hugo Build Locally
Linux Deployment
Installation of Hugo on your development box can be completed in the following manner \\ get the latest version of hugo wget sudo dpkg - i hugo_0.122.0_linux-amd64.deb
Windows Deployment
- Installation of Hugo on your development box can be completed in the following manner
\\ Using Winget
winget install Hugo.Hugo.Extended
\\ Using Chocolate
choco install hugo-extended
Website Deployment
Post installation choose the location for hosting your files.
hugo new site MyFreshWebsite --format yaml # replace MyFreshWebsite with name of your website cd MyFreshWebsite git init git submodule add --depth=1 themes/PaperMod git submodule update --init --recursive # needed when you reclone your repo (submodules may not get cloned automatically) git submodule update --remote --merge
Now that you’ve got the hugo platform build within the folder, browse into it and let’s start tweaking by opening hugo.yaml on your fav editor.
baseURL: languageCode: en-us title: My New Hugo Site theme: ["PaperMod"]
You can now choose to run the following commands to get a feel for the website
hugo -D \\ if you have any drafts in the content - it would build those as well hugo serve \\ will server the website using localhost and a port
- Yay ! You have a working Hugo Website. There are plenty of Themes to choose from. Based on your requirements try a few and see which one appeals to you.
First Blog Post
- Let’s now get cracking with creating your first post. So posts are stored under the content folder within your hugo website.
- To create your first post, using the default post template (look inside archetypes to make new ones)
hugo new posts/
- The new post (Markdown file) will now show up within the content folder.
- Edit your blog post from your fav IDE
- Some small tweaks to add some navigation to our website
- Edit hugo.yaml with the following code. This is engine of your website. There is so much to tweak and get the best out of hugo from here. This is just a base config to get you going.
languageCode: en-us
title: My New Hugo Site
theme: ["PaperMod"]
paginate: 4
defaultContentLanguage: en
enableRobotsTXT: true
buildDrafts: true #
disableXML: true
minifyOutput: true
- JSON # necessary for search
- identifier: home
name: home
url: /
weight: 1
- identifier: posts
name: posts
url: /posts/
weight: 3
- Let’s get a preview of our website locally, before we are ready to publish this to the world!